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北海道,青森,岩手,宮城,秋田,山形,福島,茨城,栃木,群馬,埼玉,千葉,東京,神奈川,山梨,長野,新潟,富山,石川,福井,岐阜,静岡,愛知,三重,滋賀,京都,大阪,兵庫,奈良,和歌山,鳥取,島根,岡山,広島,山口,徳島,香川,愛媛,高知,福岡,佐賀,長崎,熊本,大分,宮崎,鹿児島,沖縄, 仙台,横浜,名古屋,神戸,北九州,那覇 全国に対応.
GST Agents as of November 11, 2016. GST Agents as of July 19, 2016. Statutory Instrument 73 of 2012 - Fuel. Statutory Instrument 95 of 2011- Internet Services.
The Methodist Church of New Zealand. Te Haahi Weteriana O Aotearoa. This web based GST system has been setup to make the process of providing a GST returns to the Connexional Office as simple as possible and reduce manual handling. Failure to submit a return will result in penalties charged by the Inland Revenue Department and these will be directed to the entities who have failed to provide a return. The Methodist Church of New Zealand 2017.